Dr. Zelenko | Dr. Zelenko & Dr. Judy Mikovits | Do the COVID Shots Cause AIDS?!! What Should You Do If You've Already Taken the COVID-19 Shots? Why Did the Moderna CEO Say, "We Need to Make a Billion Next Year, There's Going to Be a Pan
CBDC | "Will BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa) Back Their New CBDC (Central Bank Digital Currency) Reserve Currency to GOLD? + "It's the End of the U.S. Dollar System. The End Is Near for the Dollar." - Rob Kiyosaki
Brain Transparency & CBDCs | "Is It a Future You Are Ready for? It's a Future That Has Already Arrived." - Nita A. Farahany (Futurist and Duke Professor of Law & Philosophy Speaking at the 2023 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting)
Abortions | Why Is the Satanic Temple Opening an Abortion Clinic to Provide 'Religious Abortion' and 'Abortion Ritual 'Care? | Discover the Horrific Stories of Planned Parenthood
The Great Reset | "The World Economic Forum Plan for 2030. Your Family Will Eat Zero Amounts of Meat and Zero Amounts of Dairy. Each Person Will Be Restricted to 2,500 Calories a Day. Each Family Member Will Only Received 3 New Items of Clothing Per
The Great Reset | "The World Economic Forum Plan for 2030. Your Family Will Eat Zero Amounts of Meat and Zero Amounts of Dairy. Each Person Will Be Restricted to 2,500 Calories a Day. 3 New Items of Clothing Per." - Glenn Beck
CBDCs | "In the End You Need to Know Who Has Been Vaccinated and Who Hasn't Been." - Tony Blair (Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and a Member of the World Economic Forum)
Great Reset | CBDC | "Internet of Bodies Will Mean That Software Will Start Causing Physical HARM to Human Bodies with Some Regularity." - Dr. Andrea Matwyshyn + "COVID Legitimizes Deployment of Surveillance Under Your SKIN." - Harari
CBDC | "Pfizer Is Not a German Company. Pfizer Is a German-Chinese Company. They Produced a Billion of the Vaccines, But China Doesn't Use These Vaccines." - Naomi Wolf (Investigative Journalist & Tech Entrepreneur)
World Economic Forum 2023 Annual Meeting | "Autonomous Vehicles, It's Obviously Something That We Are Excited Just Like Everybody. There Could Be Ways to Confuse or Distort the Algorithms to Cause Physical Harm." - Christopher Wray (FBI Dir
mRNA | "Transhumanism, Is One of the Agendas of the World Economic Forum That's Not Hidden, That's Not a Conspiracy & They Talk About RNA Vaccines As An Entry Point. Opening That Space Ethically and Otherwise." - Doctor Malone
Tony Fauci & Intentional Misuse of Karry Mullis' Polymerase Chain Reaction Tests | Could There Be Connection Between Those Two? "Fauci Doesn't Mind Going On Television & Lie Directly Into the Camera." - Karry Mullis
World Economic Forum 2023 Annual Meeting | "Our Own (COVID-19 Vaccination) Investigation In All Databases In Europe, Israel and the U.S. And We Found Nothing." - Albert Bourla (CEO of Pfizer)
Chinese Spy Balloon | CBDCs | Nothing to See Here Folks!!! It's Just Saudi Arabia Moving Off of the U.S. Dollar And a Massive Chinese Spy Balloon Floating Over America!!!
CBDC | What Is the Connection Between CERN, CBDCs, Surveillance Under the Skin, Quantum Dots, QUANT CBDCs, the World Economic Forum and The Great Reset?