#36 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Fraudulent Elections Allow Demons To Control Our Lives. How Banks Steal Your Money! South Park's Stan Gets A Reality Check
#33 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: We Need To Keep This Story In The Forefront & Call Out The Legislators For Doing NOTHING! WENDY ROGERS Doesn't Want To Investigate Because She Committed FRAUD!
429: ARIZONA UPDATE: Mari-Corruption County Has Officially Earned It's Name - The Most Fraudulent Election In American History! MICHELE SWINICK & JD RUCKER
463: Senator Wendy Rogers Refuses To Investigate Arizona Corruption - The Rockstars Of The LD12 Meeting Give A Recap - We The People Held Wendy Accountable!
#43 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Senator Wendy Rogers Refuses To Investigate Arizona Corruption & Election Fraud - It's Time WE THE PEOPLE DEMAND IT Marathon!
#38 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: Senator Wendy Rogers Tells The People of LD12 She Refuses To Investigate, Insults Them & Lies. Afraid Of What You May Find? Hmmm?