1 year agoCan the State Compel You to Violate Your Conscience? Plus Q&A #Podcast #shortsCrossExamined.org
1 year agoChristians are Obligated to Affirm Reality with @MAVENTRUTHGOODNESSBEAUTY #ShortsCrossExamined.org
1 year agoWhat Will You Say When Mormons Come to Your Door? with Dr. Corey Miller #Podcast @RatioChristiOrgCrossExamined.org
1 year agoGod Wants You Well...Or Does He? A Closer Look at the "Health and Wellness" Gospel #ShortsCrossExamined.org
1 year agoCould YOU provide evidence for the Resurrection? With @jonroot #Shorts #resurrection #fresnostateUCrossExamined.org
1 year agoThe Gospel Isn't Rocket Science! w/Phil and Al Robertson @PhilRobertsononBlazeTV #shorts #podcastCrossExamined.org
1 year agoAre Miracles Impossible Because They Violate Natural Laws? #Podcast #shortsCrossExamined.org
1 year agoHow to Culture-Proof the Next Generation with Dr. Jeff Myers #Podcast #shorts @summitministriesCrossExamined.org
1 year agoThree Reasons to Get Out of the Echo Chamber with @MelissaDougherty #ShortsCrossExamined.org