1. 93_how to undo an action in bash with ctrl slash

    93_how to undo an action in bash with ctrl slash

  2. 28_what is the "prompt" in the bash shell?

    28_what is the "prompt" in the bash shell?

  3. 52_what is the relative path in the bash shell?

    52_what is the relative path in the bash shell?

  4. 50_what is a "path" in the bash shell?

    50_what is a "path" in the bash shell?

  5. 67_how to move forward one character with ctrl f

    67_how to move forward one character with ctrl f

  6. 66_how to move backwards one character with ctrl b

    66_how to move backwards one character with ctrl b

  7. 65_how to instantly go to the end of the command line with ctrl e

    65_how to instantly go to the end of the command line with ctrl e

  8. 73_how to move forward one word with alt f

    73_how to move forward one word with alt f

  9. 92_how to run your ctrl r search with ctrl o

    92_how to run your ctrl r search with ctrl o

  10. 79_how to swap two text characters with ctrl T

    79_how to swap two text characters with ctrl T

  11. 82_how to "see your bash command history" with the "history" command

    82_how to "see your bash command history" with the "history" command

  12. 145_how to "see the file permissions of files or directories" with the "ls -l" command

    145_how to "see the file permissions of files or directories" with the "ls -l" command

  13. 89_how to scroll to the next command with ctrl n

    89_how to scroll to the next command with ctrl n

  14. 88_how to scroll through the previous command with ctrl p

    88_how to scroll through the previous command with ctrl p

  15. 86_how to scroll through previous command with the up arrow

    86_how to scroll through previous command with the up arrow

  16. 90_how to end the ctrl r history search at current entry with ctrl j

    90_how to end the ctrl r history search at current entry with ctrl j

  17. 105_how to autocomplete with the the tab button

    105_how to autocomplete with the the tab button

  18. 106_how to autocomplete with ctrl i

    106_how to autocomplete with ctrl i

  19. 40_how to "change your directory" with the "cd" command

    40_how to "change your directory" with the "cd" command

  20. 35_how do you know when the prompt is ready to accept a command?

    35_how do you know when the prompt is ready to accept a command?

  21. 32_what is a host name in the prompt?

    32_what is a host name in the prompt?

  22. 34_what is the moneysign in the prompt?

    34_what is the moneysign in the prompt?
