5 months ago213_how to "add the write and execute permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"HowToBash
4 months ago281_how to "create a text file of the last ten entries of the var syslog" with "right bracket"HowToBash
9 months ago38_how to "find out where you are in your file directory" with the "pwd" commandHowToBash
6 months ago176_how to "remove the write permission from the group permission set" with "chmod"HowToBash
5 months ago212_how to "add read and write permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"HowToBash
5 months ago199_how to "remove the read and write permissions from the group permission set" with "chmod"HowToBash
5 months ago202_how to "remove ALL the permissions from the group permission set" with "chmod"HowToBash