Doctor Stella Immanuel & Pastor Phil Hotsenpiller | Did King Charles Just Announce 7, Up Yours?! Is BRICS On the Verge of Announcing a New Gold-Backed BRICS Currency? "God Shall Send Them Strong Delusion, That They Should Believe a Lie."
Mike Adams, Robert Kiyosaki & Catherine Austin Fitts | Do Central Bank Digital Currencies End Freedom? Why Are Globalists Buying Up the Earth’s Gold NOW? Are CBDCs “The Mark of the Beast” System? Are Bank Bail-Ins & CBDCs Coming?
(Adam) Man (is) (Seth) appointed (Enosh) mortal (Kenan) sorrow; (but) (Mahalalel) the Blessed God (Jared) shall come down (Enoch) teaching (that) (Methuselah) His death shall bring (the) (Lamech) despairing (Noah) rest.