The Law of Credibility | The Importance of Utilizing Real Case Studies, Testimonials & Success Stories to DRAMATICALLY INCREASE YOUR SALES + Tim Tebow Joins Clay Clark's December 5-6 Business Growth Workshop!
Julie Green | BRICS, the Looming Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies, Banking Giants And New York Fed Start 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot + Trump / DeSantis and Trump's Big Announcement!!!
Carbon Footprint | "Then Some Peasant Can Sell His Carbon Allowance to Leonardo DiCaprio So Leonardo Can Park His Yacht for a Few More Days." - GBN News + Greece Started Rolling Out Digital ID Cards Last Week
CBDCs | "Right After FTX's Collapse Every Major Bank In This Country Announced a New Partnership w/ the New York Fed to Establish a New Digital Currency, One That They Can Regulate and Control. A 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot." - T Carlson
Dr. Andy Wakefield | “This Is Her Lawyer, He Said “They Called Me Back Two Weeks Later And Said We Can No Longer Prosecute This Case In The Same Way, She Will Be Released From Prison Next Week.” - Dr. Andy Wakefield