The Great Reset | Dr. Jason Dean Exposes the World Economic Forum's Transhumanism Agenda Including: “These Workers Have Got a Microchip Implanted In Their Hand from Their Employer” - World Economic Forum, "Solid Reasons to Microchip Kids.&am
Hey Alex Jones You Are Full Of Shit! All You Do Is Peddle Emotional Manipulation For Profit$! - NANO. GOV IF YOU AREN'T TALKING ABOUT IT YOU ARE WASTING TIME!
Vision Of Future Warefare: Preparing For A Renaissance In Strategic Warefare - Office Of The Secretary Of Defence 2012 - Nanotechnology & Biotechnology
Mitigating and Responding to Cognitive Warfare - The NATO Science and Technological Organization (STO) Human Factors and Medicine (HFM) Exploratory Team (ET) Cogwar2023