1 year ago🤔💪Nobody knows this💪🤔…🕳️What is a black hole singularity made of?🕳️ see info 4 linkChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year ago1/2: Go to the white light. I am the white light. Family of Michael the angel of death 💀ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoNot allowed to work to make money. Negative ETs run OGS, they’re the Antichrist. They steal bodiesChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoNWO Antichrist tryin to grow area51 demonic frequency in my EMF DNA turn me in to them.Im Kept poorChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
4 years agoHow to Get a Girlfriend & Finding Motivation to Exercise - FAQ FRIMONDAY #2Hybrid CalisthenicsVerified
2 years agoREPTILIAN HYBRID INFANT (mirrored)The Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend - a resource for truthseekers
1 year agoGoFundMe 4 me to STOP war. Or, Wrath:WW3. General of The 144,000.ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year ago1/2:SSPs, time travel, humanVSAntichrist, quantum compu, dna, NAA-Ai God, simulators,RSACryptographyChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoReal ufo abduction, can achieve ascension DNA activation turn in to an angel. Kept in povertyChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year ago(links in info): 2 of my other YouTube channels shown here incase this channel gets bannedChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoangelic merkaba: Turn up YouTube vid settings:See Merkaba full speed, then teleport around slow mo✡️ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoNew job, insane poverty tactics, SSP VS ANGELIC god technologies, point of OGS? Who target me?ChristMichael144MarkofTheLamb
1 year agoThe "Non-Human" ALIENS (Fallen Angels) will Assist the Antichrist King to DECEIVE and RULE over the Earth!Rogersings