🇳🇱NETHERLANDS - 100 schools have insects and mealworms on the menu, indoctrinating your children to the New Normal. The WEF agenda will not be stopped, until you all stand and say no. The last 2 years must have taught you that.
Alibaba's J. Michael Evans boasts at the World Economic Forum about developing an "individual carbon footprint tracker" to monitor what you buy, what you eat, and where/how you travel.
Mother Knew of Dangerous Side Effects of The Covid Shots But Still Chose to Inject Her Son Who Developed Myocarditis ‘We knew this was a possibility, hearing the signals coming out of Israel’
Mother of Caitlin Gotze (23) says: “We were pro vaccine. We thought the people who wouldn’t get the vaccine were silly.......then one day my daughter drops dead from the (Pfizer)”
Concealed Crime: The Perfect Poison – Vaccine-Induced Murder... 5 Months Later Dr. Ryan Cole: “Instead of like a wildfire, where we see people pass away quickly ... we’re seeing more of a smoldering wildfire until the burden of disease ....
'It's a Religion': Tucker Sounds off on the Woke Church of Gender Ideology "No sane person could believe any of this voluntarily — it doesn't even make sense on its face.