1. 20. It is said that we are created in the image of God, what does this mean?

    20. It is said that we are created in the image of God, what does this mean?

  2. 22. Do evil spirits exist and if so can they influence or harm us?

    22. Do evil spirits exist and if so can they influence or harm us?

  3. 24. Was Jesus divine or simply a great medium and healer?

    24. Was Jesus divine or simply a great medium and healer?

  4. 2. When we pass to the spirit world, will we be reunited with our loved ones?

    2. When we pass to the spirit world, will we be reunited with our loved ones?

  5. 3. Do children grow up in the spirit world?

    3. Do children grow up in the spirit world?

  6. 5. At what point does life begin and what are the consequences of abortion?

    5. At what point does life begin and what are the consequences of abortion?

  7. 0. Foreword - from - GOLDEN ENLIGHTENMENT: Twenty Year Anniversary Edition

    0. Foreword - from - GOLDEN ENLIGHTENMENT: Twenty Year Anniversary Edition

  8. 4. What happens to those who commit suicide?

    4. What happens to those who commit suicide?

  9. 16. What can be said to comfort the bereaved?

    16. What can be said to comfort the bereaved?

  10. 14. Why are some people born with physical or mental handicaps?

    14. Why are some people born with physical or mental handicaps?

  11. 15. Why do some people have an easier life than others?

    15. Why do some people have an easier life than others?

  12. 13. If God is all seeing and all knowing why is so much suffering permitted in this world?

    13. If God is all seeing and all knowing why is so much suffering permitted in this world?

  13. 17.Is it right so many animals suffer at the hands of humans and would vegetarianism be worthy?

    17.Is it right so many animals suffer at the hands of humans and would vegetarianism be worthy?

  14. 7. If we have married twice, do we have to choose between our former partners after death?

    7. If we have married twice, do we have to choose between our former partners after death?

  15. 9. Does it matter how we live our life, since we will survive anyway?

    9. Does it matter how we live our life, since we will survive anyway?

  16. 11. Is every action of life planned, or can free will change what would otherwise be our destiny?

    11. Is every action of life planned, or can free will change what would otherwise be our destiny?

  17. 12. Are we judged upon death and if so by whom?

    12. Are we judged upon death and if so by whom?

  18. From Bethlehem to Calvary: Reading and Discussing Pages 44-55, The First Initiation Part 2

    From Bethlehem to Calvary: Reading and Discussing Pages 44-55, The First Initiation Part 2
