R&B Monthly Seminar: From Gospel to Gas Chamber: History of Holocaust and Jew-Hatred Research Fellowship (Episode #1 -- November 16th, 2023). Speaker: Mr. Jeremy Dery (Jerusalem, ISRAEL). Topic: "College Activism and Anti-Semitism"
R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Jerusalem War Crimes Trials/Episode #34 -- Tuesday, May 3rd, 2022/Iyar 3, 5782) Chairman: Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. Host: Betsie Saltzberg. Guests: Zvi Livshits, Frank Zelenko
R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #143 -- August 20th, 2024). Founding Chair: Dr. V. Zelenko (1973-2022). Co-Chairs: Z. Livshits (USA). B. Saltzberg (USA). F. Zelenko (USA). Speaker: R. Reece (INDONESIA)
R&B Monthly Seminar: R&B Erev Rav & Amalek Research Fellowship (Episode #77 -- Nov. 28th, 2024). Topic: "Taking Baltimore Rabbis to Court of Public Opinion for LYING to Their Communities about Holocaust of Injections"