1. Why Do the Doctors Keep on Convincing me to Put my Mom into a Do not resuscitate(DNR) status?

    Why Do the Doctors Keep on Convincing me to Put my Mom into a Do not resuscitate(DNR) status?

  2. Can My 93 Year Old Mother be Extubated After 2 weeks on a Ventilator in Intensive Care?

    Can My 93 Year Old Mother be Extubated After 2 weeks on a Ventilator in Intensive Care?

  3. Is it Illegal to Issue a DNR without Patient or Family Consent?My Dad has an Advanced Care Directive

    Is it Illegal to Issue a DNR without Patient or Family Consent?My Dad has an Advanced Care Directive

  4. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Euthanasia in ICU exposed and a life saved!

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Euthanasia in ICU exposed and a life saved!

  5. My Dad in ICU has pneumonia. Why does the ICU team tell me that he has end-stage renal disease now?

    My Dad in ICU has pneumonia. Why does the ICU team tell me that he has end-stage renal disease now?

  6. Quick tip for families in ICU: Should my mom have Propofol or Midazolam while on the ventilator?

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Should my mom have Propofol or Midazolam while on the ventilator?

  7. Quick tip for families in ICU: Sitting up 30 degrees for nutrition prevents aspiration pneumonia!

    Quick tip for families in ICU: Sitting up 30 degrees for nutrition prevents aspiration pneumonia!

  8. The ICU Doctor Can’t Explain the Reason Why My Sister Has Congestive Heart Failure. Help!

    The ICU Doctor Can’t Explain the Reason Why My Sister Has Congestive Heart Failure. Help!

  9. My Mom has Gone from ICU to LTAC Back to ICU for a Medical Emergency! What Should We Do, Help!?

    My Mom has Gone from ICU to LTAC Back to ICU for a Medical Emergency! What Should We Do, Help!?

  10. The ICU Team Wants to Stop Feeding My mom Without Our Consent.Is it Withdrawal of Treatment?

    The ICU Team Wants to Stop Feeding My mom Without Our Consent.Is it Withdrawal of Treatment?

  11. From the Death Bed in ICU to a Cruise Ship Holiday! Thank You for Saving My Mom's Life!

    From the Death Bed in ICU to a Cruise Ship Holiday! Thank You for Saving My Mom's Life!

  12. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Is my wife a coroner's case after passing away in ICU?

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Is my wife a coroner's case after passing away in ICU?

  13. Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: Is My Wife A Coroner’s Case After Passing Away in ICU?

    Quick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: Is My Wife A Coroner’s Case After Passing Away in ICU?

  14. Quick tip for families in ICU:Should BIPAP only be used in ICU or can it be used on a hospital ward?

    Quick tip for families in ICU:Should BIPAP only be used in ICU or can it be used on a hospital ward?

  15. My Mom’s In ICU After Open-Heart Surgery. What Should They’ve Done To Get Her Out Of The ICU Sooner?

    My Mom’s In ICU After Open-Heart Surgery. What Should They’ve Done To Get Her Out Of The ICU Sooner?

  16. Do You Think I Should Go On the Lung Transplant List Even Though I am Petrified of Doing This?

    Do You Think I Should Go On the Lung Transplant List Even Though I am Petrified of Doing This?

  17. Husband in ICU with Trache & Ventilation, Refused PEG Tube to Avoid LTAC, Is this a Good Decision?

    Husband in ICU with Trache & Ventilation, Refused PEG Tube to Avoid LTAC, Is this a Good Decision?

  18. My Brother in Law's in ICU with Pneumonia&Induced Coma,Now in Kidney Failure&Dialysis,is this Normal

    My Brother in Law's in ICU with Pneumonia&Induced Coma,Now in Kidney Failure&Dialysis,is this Normal

  19. My Mom Didn't Get Any Nutrition on BiPAP in ICU! Thank you for Helping Me Advocate for Her!

    My Mom Didn't Get Any Nutrition on BiPAP in ICU! Thank you for Helping Me Advocate for Her!

  20. FULL UNCUT VIDEO: Gross negligence has patients dying at NYC hospitals | Nurse Nicole Sirotek (May 2020)

    FULL UNCUT VIDEO: Gross negligence has patients dying at NYC hospitals | Nurse Nicole Sirotek (May 2020)

  21. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Can a patient on ventilation and dialysis survive?

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Can a patient on ventilation and dialysis survive?

  22. Quick tip for families in intensive care: Euthanasia in ICU exposed and a life saved!

    Quick tip for families in intensive care: Euthanasia in ICU exposed and a life saved!
