1 year agoWhy Do the Doctors Keep on Convincing me to Put my Mom into a Do not resuscitate(DNR) status?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoCan My 93 Year Old Mother be Extubated After 2 weeks on a Ventilator in Intensive Care?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoIs it Illegal to Issue a DNR without Patient or Family Consent?My Dad has an Advanced Care DirectiveIntensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in intensive care: Euthanasia in ICU exposed and a life saved!Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoMy Dad in ICU has pneumonia. Why does the ICU team tell me that he has end-stage renal disease now?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in ICU: Should my mom have Propofol or Midazolam while on the ventilator?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in ICU: Sitting up 30 degrees for nutrition prevents aspiration pneumonia!Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoThe ICU Doctor Can’t Explain the Reason Why My Sister Has Congestive Heart Failure. Help!Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoMy Mom has Gone from ICU to LTAC Back to ICU for a Medical Emergency! What Should We Do, Help!?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoThe ICU Team Wants to Stop Feeding My mom Without Our Consent.Is it Withdrawal of Treatment?Intensive Care Hotline
11 months agoFrom the Death Bed in ICU to a Cruise Ship Holiday! Thank You for Saving My Mom's Life!Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in intensive care: Is my wife a coroner's case after passing away in ICU?Intensive Care Hotline
7 months agoQuick Tip for Families in Intensive Care: Is My Wife A Coroner’s Case After Passing Away in ICU?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in ICU:Should BIPAP only be used in ICU or can it be used on a hospital ward?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoMy Mom’s In ICU After Open-Heart Surgery. What Should They’ve Done To Get Her Out Of The ICU Sooner?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoDo You Think I Should Go On the Lung Transplant List Even Though I am Petrified of Doing This?Intensive Care Hotline
10 months agoHusband in ICU with Trache & Ventilation, Refused PEG Tube to Avoid LTAC, Is this a Good Decision?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoMy Brother in Law's in ICU with Pneumonia&Induced Coma,Now in Kidney Failure&Dialysis,is this NormalIntensive Care Hotline
1 year agoMy Mom Didn't Get Any Nutrition on BiPAP in ICU! Thank you for Helping Me Advocate for Her!Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoFULL UNCUT VIDEO: Gross negligence has patients dying at NYC hospitals | Nurse Nicole Sirotek (May 2020)frankploegman
1 year agoQuick tip for families in intensive care: Can a patient on ventilation and dialysis survive?Intensive Care Hotline
1 year agoQuick tip for families in intensive care: Euthanasia in ICU exposed and a life saved!Intensive Care Hotline