Under the United Nations' plan for total global control known as 'Agenda 21/2030 all humans who once lived on farms and in rural areas, are to be forcibly relocated into densely populated "smart" cities.
You Call The Internet Of Bio-Nano Things A "Conspiracy Theory" Meanwhile Universities Globally Are Teaching It To Their Undergraduate Students Preparing For Healthcare Industry 4.0. - ARE YOU PREPARING?
Japanese riot police clash with anti-G7 Summit protesters in Hiroshima. Some of the participants in the protest were wearing white helmets marked with the names of radical left-wing organizations.
Hundreds of invaders take up camp at the Place du Palais Royal in Paris demanding the French taxpayer houses them, aided and abetted by NGO scum. - At midnight in Paris, police storm in to move the hundreds of invaders camped out.
James OKeefe exposes BlackRock: -buying US Senators for $10k -profiting off the Ukraine war -Insider trading -using $20 Trillion in assets to control much of the world