LET US NOW PRAISE FAMOUS MEN!! (A TRIBUTE ELDER HIGH PRIEST AHRAYAH)…. DOUBLE HONORS TO MY ELDERS OF GREATMILLSTONE THE HOUSE OF DAVID THAT RULE WELL!!🕎 John 15:16 but I have chosen you, & ordained you, that ye should go & bring forth fruit
CLASSIC ELDER APOSTLE TAHAR: NEW & OLD TESTAMENT IS SPEAKING ABOUT THE NATION OF ISRAEL 12 TRIBES OF NORTHERN, CENTRAL, & SOUTH AMERICA!!🕎Romans 11:1-31 “What then? Israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for; but the election”
UMass Amherst: Crowd Turns Riotous, Sinner Froths At The Mouth, Student Steals My Bible & Rips Out Pages, Sinner Throws Water All Over Me, Sinner Presses Black Tape Over My Go-Pro, Chaos, Sinner Stalks Me (Viewer Discretion Advised)