10 months agoDr Tom Cowan: TERRAIN! The Worldwide 'Health' System is Corrupt and FAKE! [03.05.2024]KimOsboel
3 years agoDigital Warfare - Bill Maher Lays some truth out and destroys the lefts idiocy! Worth Watching!ResistanceHQ
3 years agoThis articles states that mask mandates are illogical but they should be enforced anywayIwillAlwaysBeAgainstTheMandates
2 years agoCan you believe this shit? Now mainstream media wants you to forgive them for pushing lockdownsIwillAlwaysBeAgainstTheMandates
3 years agoWhistleblower Says 45,000 Dead From Vaxx & Probably Way More, Where's The CDC?JeffreyKeith
2 years agoNUREMBERG 2.0 - 330 BLOG POSTS & 33K NEWS STORIES FROM DEC 2019 - NOV 2022 (NUREMBERGTRIALS.NET)(NurembergTrials.net)
1 year agoKim Osbøl: This is the Sick Satanic Pedophile LGBTQIA+ Future for all Children! [29.10.2023]KimOsboel
2 months agoDr 'Tom Cowan' ft 'David Icke': God, Satan, Satanism, Religions, Child Sacrifice, Pedophilia etc!Biological Medicine
1 year agoDr Tom Cowan ft David Icke: God, Satan, Satanism, Religions, Child Sacrifice, Pedophilia etc!KimOsboel