Media and Homeland Security Warn “Right-Wing Extremists” Plan to Attack Power Grid. | Alex Jones: If We Lose the Information War, in Essence We’ve Failed—OF COURSE WE’LL WIN the Physical War, But if We get There You’ll Wish You Did a Lot More!
Unlocking UFO Disclosure: Balancing Talk & Action, and Exploring the Implications (Including the Likelihood of Civil War). | Gregg Braden and John L. Peterson
The Winning Formula: "I'LL DO WHAT I CAN WITH WHAT I HAVE!" + U.S. Appeals Court Rules Trump Has NO Presidential Immunity in Jan 6 Case, Poland Prepares for War with Russia, and More! | Jean Noland, “Inspired”.
Zelensky Reaches Out to President Trump as U.S. Comes Toward the End of Ukraine War Funding | We in 5D: While it Makes for a Nice Look for Trump, This is an Illuminati Death Trap—Don't Go!