1. Is it possible that my glutathione caused my cancer?

    Is it possible that my glutathione caused my cancer?

  2. Is there such a thing as gentle radiation?

    Is there such a thing as gentle radiation?

  3. Do you have any thoughts about Laetrile?

    Do you have any thoughts about Laetrile?

  4. How long do I continue to take the homeopathic?

    How long do I continue to take the homeopathic?

  5. Do you recommend your Clear Thyroid Support?

    Do you recommend your Clear Thyroid Support?

  6. What are your thoughts on adding Glymac?

    What are your thoughts on adding Glymac?

  7. How do we determine what is driving our cancer?

    How do we determine what is driving our cancer?

  8. Pros and cons of different labs and testing.

    Pros and cons of different labs and testing.

  9. How long do I wait to recheck after my PET scan?

    How long do I wait to recheck after my PET scan?

  10. Do you think pancreatic enzymes are good to cycle on and off?

    Do you think pancreatic enzymes are good to cycle on and off?

  11. What is your opinion on taking low-dose naltrexone?

    What is your opinion on taking low-dose naltrexone?

  12. How do you feel about flax seed oil if you have a breast tumor?

    How do you feel about flax seed oil if you have a breast tumor?

  13. Is essiac better to brew in herbal form?

    Is essiac better to brew in herbal form?

  14. Is there any of it important to know for treatment?

    Is there any of it important to know for treatment?

  15. Can I drink baking soda water to help alkalize myself?

    Can I drink baking soda water to help alkalize myself?

  16. Are there any supplement interactions I need to be aware of?

    Are there any supplement interactions I need to be aware of?
