1. COVID-19 Vaccines | "As Time Began to Move On You Had More And More Voices Saying No, No, No, You Don't Need to Get That Shot. I Would Just Urge Those In Public In Life to Be Cautious About Inflammatory Things You Say About the COVID Shots.&quot

    COVID-19 Vaccines | "As Time Began to Move On You Had More And More Voices Saying No, No, No, You Don't Need to Get That Shot. I Would Just Urge Those In Public In Life to Be Cautious About Inflammatory Things You Say About the COVID Shots.&quot

  2. Elon Musk | Why Do Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab Agree On Transhumanism, mRNA Technology, Universal Basic Income, Brain-Computer Interfaces, A.I., Humans Becoming Useless, Self-Driving Cars, Carbon Footprint Trackers, Etc?

    Elon Musk | Why Do Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab Agree On Transhumanism, mRNA Technology, Universal Basic Income, Brain-Computer Interfaces, A.I., Humans Becoming Useless, Self-Driving Cars, Carbon Footprint Trackers, Etc?

  3. Dr. Simone Gold | The Daughter of a Holocaust Survivor Shares Her Perspective On the Israel / Hamas Conflict | + Israel Is Surrounded + "What Happens to the Jews Will Happen to Everybody." - Gold + Tucker Carlson & Colonel Douglas Macgregor

    Dr. Simone Gold | The Daughter of a Holocaust Survivor Shares Her Perspective On the Israel / Hamas Conflict | + Israel Is Surrounded + "What Happens to the Jews Will Happen to Everybody." - Gold + Tucker Carlson & Colonel Douglas Macgregor

  4. COVID-19 Shots | "According to a Brand New Peer-Reviewed Study, A Staggering 1 In 35 Recipients of the Modern Booster Shot Experienced Vaccine Associated Heart Injury. 1 In 35 People Who Took the Shot Experienced Damage to the Heart." - Epoch

    COVID-19 Shots | "According to a Brand New Peer-Reviewed Study, A Staggering 1 In 35 Recipients of the Modern Booster Shot Experienced Vaccine Associated Heart Injury. 1 In 35 People Who Took the Shot Experienced Damage to the Heart." - Epoch

  5. Elon Musk | "One of My Sons Has Trouble Making Friends Actually. An A.I. Friend Would Actually Be Great for Him." - Elon Musk + "Now That We Realize That Our Brains Can Be Hacked We Need an Anti-Virus for the Brain." - Yuval Noah Harar

    Elon Musk | "One of My Sons Has Trouble Making Friends Actually. An A.I. Friend Would Actually Be Great for Him." - Elon Musk + "Now That We Realize That Our Brains Can Be Hacked We Need an Anti-Virus for the Brain." - Yuval Noah Harar

  6. David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger & Klaus Schwab | David Rockefeller Explains How He Recruited Henry Kissinger + Jan. 17th 2017 Trump Sworn In As President As China's President Xi Jinping Delivered New World Order Speech With Kissinger & Sch

    David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger & Klaus Schwab | David Rockefeller Explains How He Recruited Henry Kissinger + Jan. 17th 2017 Trump Sworn In As President As China's President Xi Jinping Delivered New World Order Speech With Kissinger & Sch

  7. CBDC | "I Think the Federal Government Trumps State Governments In This. CBDC Is a Digital Representation of Fiat Currency. Likely to Get Implemented Pretty Much Every Country Around the World." - James Wallis (Ripple VP, Bank Engagements &

    CBDC | "I Think the Federal Government Trumps State Governments In This. CBDC Is a Digital Representation of Fiat Currency. Likely to Get Implemented Pretty Much Every Country Around the World." - James Wallis (Ripple VP, Bank Engagements &

  8. Hyperinflation | Is Hyperinflation Found In Revelation 6:5-6? + The History of the "PETRODOLLAR" Explained | "Over 70% of All $100 Bills In the World Are Actually Outside of U.S. If Oil Starts Trading In Non Petrodollars, It Will Be Worse T

    Hyperinflation | Is Hyperinflation Found In Revelation 6:5-6? + The History of the "PETRODOLLAR" Explained | "Over 70% of All $100 Bills In the World Are Actually Outside of U.S. If Oil Starts Trading In Non Petrodollars, It Will Be Worse T

  9. GOLD | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade. Saudi Arabia (& China) Selling Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS + Kiyosaki, Fitts, Trump, Bannon & Bet-David

    GOLD | Gold Hits All-Time High!!! (12.1.23) "UAE Made Decision to Move Away from U.S. Dollar In Oil Trade. Saudi Arabia (& China) Selling Holdings of U.S. Treasuries." + Russia to Chair BRICS + Kiyosaki, Fitts, Trump, Bannon & Bet-David

  10. Entrepreneurship Podcast | How to Hire High-Quality Employees In a World Filled w/ Jackassery (75% of Employees Admit to Stealing from the Workplace + 85% of Employees Admit to Lying On Resumes) + How to Find Kernels of Corn In the Vomit of Life

    Entrepreneurship Podcast | How to Hire High-Quality Employees In a World Filled w/ Jackassery (75% of Employees Admit to Stealing from the Workplace + 85% of Employees Admit to Lying On Resumes) + How to Find Kernels of Corn In the Vomit of Life

  11. Doctrines of Devils | (EXTENDED Edition) Andy Stanley 101 | Did Bible Predict This Would Happen? | 1st Tim 4: "Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly, In the Latter Times Some Shall Depart from the Faith, Giving Heed to Seducing Spirits & Doctrines of

    Doctrines of Devils | (EXTENDED Edition) Andy Stanley 101 | Did Bible Predict This Would Happen? | 1st Tim 4: "Now the Spirit Speaketh Expressly, In the Latter Times Some Shall Depart from the Faith, Giving Heed to Seducing Spirits & Doctrines of

  12. Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Now Hackable Animals. To Hack a Human Being You Need Alot of Data, Especially Biometric Data. Secondly, You Need Alot of Computing Power to Make Sense of All That Data. COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin."

    Yuval Noah Harari | "We Are Now Hackable Animals. To Hack a Human Being You Need Alot of Data, Especially Biometric Data. Secondly, You Need Alot of Computing Power to Make Sense of All That Data. COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin."

  13. Lance Wallnau | Is the Spirit of Pythos Here? Why Is U.K. Sensoring Russell Brand? Why Is Canada Re-Educating Jordan Peterson? Why Did American Express Slash MyPillow’s Credit Line By 90%? + Why Did Zelenskyy Bring In Marina Abramovic?

    Lance Wallnau | Is the Spirit of Pythos Here? Why Is U.K. Sensoring Russell Brand? Why Is Canada Re-Educating Jordan Peterson? Why Did American Express Slash MyPillow’s Credit Line By 90%? + Why Did Zelenskyy Bring In Marina Abramovic?

  14. David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger & Klaus Schwab | David Rockefeller Explains How He Recruited Henry Kissinger + Jan. 17th 2017 Trump Sworn In As President As China's President Xi Jinping Delivered New World Order Speech With Kissinger & Sch

    David Rockefeller, Henry Kissinger & Klaus Schwab | David Rockefeller Explains How He Recruited Henry Kissinger + Jan. 17th 2017 Trump Sworn In As President As China's President Xi Jinping Delivered New World Order Speech With Kissinger & Sch
