The Bible | How to Read THE BIBLE (Part 3) + 72 Biblical Signs of the Times Happening Now Including: Neuralink, CERN, The Drying of the Euphrates, Using A.I. to Rewrite the Bible, the Emergence of the False Prophet, China & Russia Team Up
Yuval Noah Harari & Emmanuel Macron | Why Is the WEF's False Prophet Yuval (Father of Music) Noah (As In the Days of Noah) Harari (Mountain Dweller) & Emmanuel (God w/ Us) Macron (A Printed Mark) Calling for A Single Global Order?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Emergence of Total Surveillance Regimes. It's Amazing How Few Soldiers You Need to Control Millions of People If You Have Their Data." + Rev 16:12-14 + False Prophet Shows Up, China & Russia Team Up
Mark of the Beast | Trump Arrest? Putin Arrest Warrant Issued? Why Is Yuval Noah Harari Leading the Largest Protests In Israel's History? Civil War In Israel? False Prophets? Why Is China Teaming Up With Russia? Why Is the Euphrates Drying Up?
Yuval Noah Harari | Who Is Harari? Is the Israeli-Openly-Gay-Transhumanismist-Best-Selling-Author the False Prophet Prophecied In The Bible? Why Does Yuval Want to Change the Times, Laws, & Money?