Dr. Judy Mikovits | Why Is Chris Cuomo Now Claiming to Be Vaccine Injured? "Making mRNA Is Really Easy & Really Cheap. Is Alot of LIPID Nanoparticles & Some Are Very Self-Assembling." - Bill Gates + Navarro & Fauci
Bill Gates Insider Geert Van Den Bossche Warns of Massive Population Plunge in ‘Highly Vaccinated Countries’ - December 14, 2023, VSRF Live #106- Dr. Geert Van Den Bossche on “White Lung” Pneumonia
Doug Burgum | Is Doug Burgum An Actual Donald J. Trump VP Finalist? Who is Doug Burgum? Why Is Bill Gates A Life-Long Friend of Doug Burgum? Why Did Bill Gates Choose to Spend His Time with Jeffrey Epstein? Who is Bill Gates?
The Great Reset | "The Current Vaccines Are Not Infection Blocking, They Are Not Broad So When New Variants Come Up You Lose Protection and They Have Very Short Duration Particularly In the People That Matter." - Bill Gates
Fall of the Cabal (Episode 27) | The Ending of Humanity? "COVID Makes Surveillance Under the Skin? - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Advisor for Klaus Schwab Praised by Barack Obama, Mark Zuckerberg, Bill Gates, MIT, Stanford, Harvard, etc.)