STAY SINGLE UNTIL..... and Do I Need to Have a Partner to be Awake or Reach Enlightenment? + Polyamory/Open Relationships EXPLAINED! | Aaron Abke on Jessica Smith's Game of Love Podcast | WE in 5D: BEST CONVO on Romantic Love Relationships!
Tucker Carlson ADMITS IT—America is Doing Evil Things. The ONLY Thing That is "The Best" About it IS IT'S PHILOSOPHY. In Action IT IS EVIL. | #Finally #ThereHeSaidIt #SomeoneHadTo
"I'm 16 and My Parents Are Charging Me Rent!" (Should They Be?) — The Ramsey Show | WE in 5D: This is the BEST Way to FOREVER Ruin How Your Child Sees You, and Occasionally You'll Even Create Wokeist Kids...