Dr. Andy Wakefield | "The MMR Vaccine Might Have Been The Cause Of Autism. They Found It To Be Absolutely True; Then Spent 14 Years Destroying The Evidence."
Liz Crokin | "Often When Children Are Trafficked, They're Not Just Trafficked So They Can Be Raped, They're Often Used In Rituals. And They Are The Victims Of Satanic, Ritual Abuse."
Liz Crokin | "This Act Is Something That Many Critics Believe Opened The Door For A Lot Of The Child Sex Trafficking That Goes On In The Foster Care System. Specifically In CPS... It Gave Financial Incentive To Remove Children From Their Homes."
CBDCs | "Artificial Intelligence Potentially Can Take Power Away from Us. Increasingly You Apply to the Bank to Get a Loan and the Bank Says No Because the Algorithm Says No." - Yuval Noah Harari (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor)
COVID Vaccines | "A Body Melded Generation" + "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You If You Take Genetic Editing." - Klaus Schwab + "This Was the Moment When Surveillance Started Going Under the Skin." - Yuval Noah Har
New World Order | On Jan. 17th 2017 President Trump Was Sworn In As the 45th President of the U.S., China's President Xi Jinping Delivered A Keynote At the World Economic Forum & Klaus Schwab
Mel Gibson | Jim Caviezel & Gibson to Expose $34 Billion Child-Sex Trafficking & Adrenochrome Industry (Airline Industry Is a $22 Billion Industry) | "No Matter How Strong You Are, You Are Going to Be Affected By This Place (Hollywood)"
Gene Ho | "I Couldn't Believe It. Donald Trump Called Me Back To The Room To Take Pictures Of The Very Important Persons, The Police Officers Who Were Guarding Him That Day."
Catherine Austin Fitts | EXCLUSIVE INTERVIEW with Catherine Austin Fitts & James Patrick On CBDCs (Central Bank Digital Currencies), Joe Biden's Executive Order #14067, the Quantum Dot, Surveillance Under the Skin and The Great Reset
Tucker Carlson | World Economic Forum Annual Meeting 2023 + CBDCs | "Time to Check In With Our Lizard Overlords In Davos, Switzerland. What Are They Are Up To? Well This?! They Are So Impressive. What a Bunch of Freaks."
Nero Caesar | Is There a Name That Equals Both 666 & 616? Revelation 17-8 "The Beast, Which You Saw, Once Was, Now Is Not And Yet Will Come Up Out of the Abyss." "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." - Elon Mus