Since 1969 Britains establishment has chosen to cull, replace & depopulate its own people ? = Riots. Canon Phil Harris, UK Column. David Icke, Paul Joseph Watson, & Peoples choice.
Royal House of David ? & the Bloodlines of Babylon. Children, Trafficking, Pedophilia, Prostitution. UK Biomedical depopulation crimes against humanity
Scientists Warn Millions Are HIV Positive Due to ‘Tainted mRNA’ in Food Supply/New Fire EXPLODES “Out of Nowhere” in the Hollywood Hills /One in Seven Pakistani Muslims in Certain UK Communities Participated in Grooming and Gang Rapes/Canadian Doc
Prince Charles, Riots, Serco, S.E.S. Pirbright, Porton Down, Fema, Wellcome, Corona patents origin in UK, and "nature is God" in depopulation methods & population replacement