1 year agoNever seen an UFO shaped like this... (clear picture towards the end of this clip) 👉👉👉 Follow meAJ's UFO Files
2 years ago1956 UFO Pictures by Howard Menger are same as those clicked by George Adamski btwnn1946 & 1965?!?!?AJ's UFO Files
2 years agoDutchman Stefan Denaerde talks about his alien encounter after his boat hit a USO/UFO, ca. 1965 #uapEyesOnCinemaVerified
2 years agoMYSTERIOUS LIGHTS over Milwaukee?!?!?! PLANNED Mass UFO light SHOW?? #UFO 👉👉👉 Follow meAJ's UFO Files
9 months agoIncredible Sighting of OSNI and Unknown Creature in Aguadilla! Puerto Rico July 2023Uncle UFO
2 years agoMassive Increase in UFO Sightings in the US 2023 #ufo #uap #uso #usmilitary #pentagonUniversal Lighthouse
7 months agoWHAT do we have here ?? USO near Ocean floor ?? 6.8km or 4.2miles in diam.. 248miles from Peru shoreUFO Betty
1 year agoExtraterrestrial Civilizations, Emerald Tablets, Ancient Guardians, the Gog & Magog War & moreExopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaVerified
23 days agoUFO Chat with Paul -7 UFO videos and News CatchUp - USOs are back with shillsThe Out There Channel
2 years agoTest Flight of a small UFO built in Area 51 equipped with Neural Interface? #UFO👉👉👉 Follow meAJ's UFO Files
2 years ago1947's Roswell UFO Crash ET FULL Autopsy video recording LEAKED (Ray Santilli footage)!!AJ's UFO Files
2 years agoWet Rooms & Torture Interrogation Rooms, Dark Fleet, Secret Space Programs?!?!?!AJ's UFO Files
2 years agoAlien?? Is it an OIL SPILL?? I don't think so... It has INTELLIGENCE to chase and eat a crab...AJ's UFO Files
1 year agoNAZI Video Footage of 1st SUCCESSFUL Flight of DIE GLOCKE ANTIGRAVITY ENGINE/1st Man-Made UFO?AJ's UFO Files