7 months agoOBSCURE Rule BANS GUNS all over state. Lawsuit says NO. Wisconsin DNR BANS firearms, will law fall?Tom Grieve
8 months agoSUPREME COURT + ATF + VanDerStok: Here we GO! Frame Receiver Rule Scotus Garland Ghost Gun and PMFsTom Grieve
8 months agoJudge SLAMS Gun Owner w Prison for THIS?! Insane New York Jury Trial Outcome over PMFs, Ghost GunsTom Grieve
11 months agoUse THIS Carrier: Cut Gun Theft 66%! USPS vs. UPS vs. FedEx, Mailing Handguns, Rifles, ShotgunsTom Grieve
1 year agoFederal Office of Gun Violence Prevention Unprecedented New Attack on 2nd amendment Guns COMING!Tom Grieve
8 months agoDEA "Legalizing" Marijuana GUN OWNER TRAP? Supreme Court, "unlawful user" "addicted" Now What?Tom Grieve
9 months agoATTACKED! Shot Back! CRAZY Real Story Shot 15 times with 45 ACP How did he live?Tom Grieve
1 year agoStates to Force Gun Owners to LIST Guns? DOJ proposes new laws about storage and loss leads to ListsTom Grieve
1 year agoBIG PISTOL BRACE RULING! ATF in TROUBLE! Mock v. Garland, Texas, FPC, Injunction, AnalysisTom Grieve
1 year agoSupreme Court Future? Court to ATF: NO! FRT Forced Reset Triggers National Association Gun RightsTom Grieve
9 months agoA SUPREME COURT RULES: Shoot in Backyard?! Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Rules, Lessons LearnedTom Grieve
9 months agoTHOUSANDS of Machine Guns DESTROYED! Why? Firearms FFL Expert Michael KwiatkowskiTom Grieve
9 months agoS&W+Glock SURRENDER?! Gun Makers Bankrupt!? 20 years ago, Gun Grabbers Quietly ALMOST WonTom Grieve
1 year agoTaxing 2A to DEATH! 1000% Tax on Guns! Proposed in Washington DC, what does this mean? Some thoughtsTom Grieve
9 months agoCOURT ORDERS YouTube viewer personal data on videos, names, address, phone number IP AddressesTom Grieve
11 months agoConvictions SECURED: Are Gun Stores + Manufacturers Next? Mass Shooting FalloutTom Grieve