EUROPE MOVES RIGHT – Even Belgium Now Has a Right-Wing, Nationalist Government/Top Treasury Official Announces Resignation/President Trump Announces Military Air Strikes on ISIS “Killed Many”, Sends Message to Terrorists: “WE WILL FIND YOU, AND WE
Popular Weight-Loss Drug Ozempic Shrinks Heart Muscles in Recipients/vBombshell Study Censored by The Lancet Finally Released: Confirms ‘High Likelihood of Causal Link Between COVID-19 Vaccines and Death’/Ukraine’s Ex-Top General and Current UK Amba
The Great Reset | From Transgender to Transhuman + "I Believe Our Mind Clones Will Ultimately Be Our Best Friends." - Martine Rothblatt (Transgender & Top Earning CEO in Biopharmaceutical Industry in 2018) | What Is the Agenda of the Great R