Klaus Schwab | Why Did Klaus Schwab Say, "The Difference of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (The Great Reset) Is It Doesn't Change What You Are Doing, It Changes You If You Take the Gene Editing?"
Monkeypox | Why Did World Health Organization & Harvard Fellow State, "People Don't Understand the Way That Gay and Bi Men Have Sex, or Why They Have Group Sex or Why They Have Sex If They Know It Bares a Risk to Their Lives."
Yuval Noah Harari | "Silicon Valley, This Is Where the New Religions Are Being Created by People Like Ray Kurzweil. These Are the Religions That Will Take Over the World."
Yuval Noah Harari | Ending Marriage | "You Don't Need Children, You Can Have a Pension Fund. You Don't Need Neighbors, Sisters or Brothers. The State Provides You With Everything."
The Great Reset | (Explained In 2 Minutes) Dr. Evil (Klaus Schwab) & His Hairless Cat (Yuval Noah Harari) Share Their COVID-19 / Climate Emergency / Great Reset Plan