11 months agoTesting Sweet Home Chicago HDR68 | Chicago Less Lethal | 312-882-2715CHICAGO LESS LETHAL
11 months agoTesting Sweet Home Chicago HDB68 | Chicago Less Lethal | 312-882-2715CHICAGO LESS LETHAL
11 months agoOriginal HDR68 with hpa 10g zram | Chicago Less Lethal | 312-882-2715CHICAGO LESS LETHAL
11 months agoHDB68 testing with 16j valve 6g ball | Chicago Less Lethal | 312-882-2715CHICAGO LESS LETHAL
6 months agotesting umarex hdr68 with our 1 piece 9" barrel with 10 g chi town smashersCHICAGO LESS LETHAL
2 years agoMagician's Tour of Metro Vancouver Community Centres' Festivals and Parties, ReviewsAberYvee