1 month ago💥 The Videos Supporting the Claim That the Plasma Moon Is a Mirror Image of the Flat Earth 💥Liberty TV
1 month agoSelenetical Physics, Vols. 1 and 2: Empirical Evidence of the True Flat-Earth Map on the Plasma MoonLiberty TV
1 month agoFirst-Ever Trillion-Dollar Lawsuit against the Weaponization of 5G to Depopulate & Control the WorldLiberty TV
1 month agoTrump’s Latest "Stargate" Initiative That Aims to Build the Largest-Ever AI infrastructure ProjectLiberty TV
1 month agoDo Not Rely on Outspoken, Influential Activists Who Could Be NWO, Globe or Gleason Gatekeepers !!!Liberty TV
1 month agoDr. Bryan Ardis and Stew Peters Are Suspected NWO Gatekeepers Pushing the "Snake Venom" NarrativeLiberty TV
1 month agoIf You Still Don't Understand the BIGGER PLAN, Please Research Agenda 21, Flat Earth & N. Pole ShiftLiberty TV
1 month agoBEWARE! NWO Cabal-Controlled Nations, Media and Platforms Push Distorted, Inverted False Reality!Liberty TV
1 month agoTo Ignore Evil Is to Become an Accomplice to It! Break the Silence on the GLOBE-EARTH NWO EVIL PSYOPLiberty TV
1 month agoTHE ESSENE GOSPEL OF PEACE: Luminous Moon Is a Reflection of the Blessed Face of Our Earthly MotherLiberty TV
1 month agoBEWARE of Staged Sightings Pushing the Alien Psyop to Prime the Masses for One-World Government !!!Liberty TV
1 month agoTIME IS RUNNING OUT as NWO Cabal Progresses toward Enslaving Us in SMART (Mind-Control, Kill) CitiesLiberty TV
8 months agoSatanic NWO Cabal & NASA Are Having Panic Attacks Due to Nikon P1000 ! Get Yours While Stock Lasts !Liberty TV
7 months agoProof of Our Local Moon from Nikon P1000 and Airplanes! Don't Be Duped by Cabal/NASA Agents/Trolls!Liberty TV
1 month agoThe DEEP STATE Wants to Ban TikTok Because Truther Videos Like This Are Spreading Like Wildfire !?!Liberty TV
6 months agoNASA Fans, WAKE UP! The Sun Is Local, Not 93 Million Miles Away in Space, Which Does Not Exist!Liberty TV
6 months agoOur Local Sun FOR DUMMIES - Overwhelming Evidence of the Local Sun! Lawsuits against NASA Can Begin!Liberty TV
8 months agoATOM AND THE NUCLEAR HOAX: It's All Lies! Don't Be Duped by Cabal/CERN Agents or "Scientists"!Liberty TV
8 months agoSubatomic Particles Are Fiction, Not Fundamental Building Blocks | Theorectical Physicist David TongLiberty TV
1 month agoWARNING! Billions Might Die from the GREAT FLOOD! Get Upright Lawmakers to ACT BEFORE IT IS TOO LATELiberty TV
7 months agoRoseanne Barr Asks David Weiss Whether Man Has Been to the Moon - Can She Handle the Truth?Liberty TV
7 months agoThey're Losing Control of the Biggest Psyop Narrative, so They Cause Chaos Worldwide to Distract ...Liberty TV
7 months agoIRREFUTABLE PROOF: The Sun and Moon Are Local! Heliocentric Lie of the Satanic NWO Cabal EXPOSED!Liberty TV
7 months ago'WORLD MAP BY PLASMA MOON' ACTIVISM: Prague Astronomical Clock Meets World Map by Plasma Moon | VoCLiberty TV