1. Labour MP Suffers Car Crash Interview On The BBC After Emily Thornberry Humiliated In Leadership Bid

    Labour MP Suffers Car Crash Interview On The BBC After Emily Thornberry Humiliated In Leadership Bid

  2. The Lib Dems Blame Chuka Umunna For Their Car Crash Election Result

    The Lib Dems Blame Chuka Umunna For Their Car Crash Election Result

  3. The EU Car Crash Continues As Merkel & Macron's Plans Rejected Yet Again

    The EU Car Crash Continues As Merkel & Macron's Plans Rejected Yet Again

  4. The BBC Spend £38 Million To Hunt Down Pensioners Who Have Not Paid Their TV License

    The BBC Spend £38 Million To Hunt Down Pensioners Who Have Not Paid Their TV License

  5. “Swanky (feat. Eddie Angel of Los Straitjackets) - by The Tourmaliners

    “Swanky (feat. Eddie Angel of Los Straitjackets) - by The Tourmaliners

  6. Brave Lone Rugby Player Refuses To Submit Himself & Pander To This Nonsense

    Brave Lone Rugby Player Refuses To Submit Himself & Pander To This Nonsense

  7. Banksy Funded Illegal Migrant Rescue Boat Rejected By EU Ports

    Banksy Funded Illegal Migrant Rescue Boat Rejected By EU Ports

  8. The Corbynated Chicken Doubles Down & Faces Legal Action

    The Corbynated Chicken Doubles Down & Faces Legal Action

  9. Judge Refuses To Send Peado Labour Councillor To Prison For 1 Million Indecent Images

    Judge Refuses To Send Peado Labour Councillor To Prison For 1 Million Indecent Images

  10. Jeremy Corbyn Throws His Toys Out Of The Pram After Humiliating Triple Peerage Rejection

    Jeremy Corbyn Throws His Toys Out Of The Pram After Humiliating Triple Peerage Rejection

  11. Boris Tells Barnier To Drop Demands Or Face A No Deal Brexit Again

    Boris Tells Barnier To Drop Demands Or Face A No Deal Brexit Again

  12. Ash Sakar Points Out The Ethnic Minority Population Growth In London & Brags They Are Winning

    Ash Sakar Points Out The Ethnic Minority Population Growth In London & Brags They Are Winning

  13. Labour Official Refuses To Accept The Origin Of The Virus, Instead Calls The People Of The UK Racist

    Labour Official Refuses To Accept The Origin Of The Virus, Instead Calls The People Of The UK Racist

  14. The EU Break Up Could Come As Pro EU Italians Turn On Brussels

    The EU Break Up Could Come As Pro EU Italians Turn On Brussels

  15. Tom Harwood Destroys The Media's Political Games & Hypocrisy In Their Dominic Cummings Witch Hunt

    Tom Harwood Destroys The Media's Political Games & Hypocrisy In Their Dominic Cummings Witch Hunt

  16. Our Girls Matter! 1st August 2020 Parliament Square

    Our Girls Matter! 1st August 2020 Parliament Square

  17. Remainers Are Losing Their Minds With Anna Soubry Leading #RejoinEU

    Remainers Are Losing Their Minds With Anna Soubry Leading #RejoinEU

  18. Trump Trolls Hard Left Democrats With Move To Replace RGB Within A Week

    Trump Trolls Hard Left Democrats With Move To Replace RGB Within A Week

  19. Geoffrey Cox Joins Remainers Trying To Block Brexit Internal Market Bill

    Geoffrey Cox Joins Remainers Trying To Block Brexit Internal Market Bill

  20. Micheal Gove & George Galloway Destroy Hypocritical SNP With A Taste Of Their Own Medicine

    Micheal Gove & George Galloway Destroy Hypocritical SNP With A Taste Of Their Own Medicine

  21. British Journalist Finds A Sudanese Surprise In His Roof Box, Something Does Not Add Up

    British Journalist Finds A Sudanese Surprise In His Roof Box, Something Does Not Add Up

  22. Bolton Police Hunting "Asian" Man Who Tried To Lure 9 & 10 Year Old Girls Into His Van

    Bolton Police Hunting "Asian" Man Who Tried To Lure 9 & 10 Year Old Girls Into His Van

  23. Youtuber Little Veteran Snatched From Behind By Police Farce At Dover Demo

    Youtuber Little Veteran Snatched From Behind By Police Farce At Dover Demo

  24. Priti Patel Is Doing Something Right, Shamima Begum's Return To The UK Stopped

    Priti Patel Is Doing Something Right, Shamima Begum's Return To The UK Stopped

  25. Priti Patel Furious As French Claim They Cannot Stop Boats Off The Coast, Not Even Criminals

    Priti Patel Furious As French Claim They Cannot Stop Boats Off The Coast, Not Even Criminals
