Mike Adams, Robert Kiyosaki & Catherine Austin Fitts | Do Central Bank Digital Currencies End Freedom? Why Are Globalists Buying Up the Earth’s Gold NOW? Are CBDCs “The Mark of the Beast” System? Are Bank Bail-Ins & CBDCs Coming?
Mark of the Beast | Is the W.H.O. Digital Health Certificate Coming Soon?! Is BRICS Announcing Expanded Membership & Introducing Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency? "We Are Upgrading Humans Into Gods." - Yuval Noah Harari
SkyNet | Why Did China Actually Called It's Near Omnipresent Surveillance System SkyNet? How Does the Chinese Social Credit Score System Work? Is the Programmable Central Bank Digital Currency System Headed to America?
Dollar Collapse | Man In America Host Seth Holehouse Explains 5 Things You Need to Know About Central Bank Digital Currencies, BRICS, Universal Basic Income, De-Dollarization And the New Gold-Backed Currency Being Reported By Russian State Media
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "If We Lose Our Currency. That's the Equivalent of Using a World War. People Say, We'll Never Lose the DOLLAR Standard! Are They Kidding?! China Wants to Change the Currency Standard." - President Trum
CBDCS | Are CBDCs Already HERE?! "The First Cross-Border Payment Using United Arab Emirates' Digital Currency Has Been Successfully Been Made Between the UAE & China." "We Are About to Abandon the Traditional System of Money."
CBDCs | "SWIFT (Society For World Wide Interbank Financial Telecommunications), Announced It's Intention to Launch New Central Bank Digital Currencies In 12-24 Months." - 3/27/24 | CBDC Launch Announced
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "You Said That ALL of the Banks Are Insolvent. Surely Not ALL of the Banks Are Insolvent." - Michelle Makori, Lead Anchor and Editor-in-Chief at Kitco News Interviews Lynette Zang