4 years ago10/07/20 Wed: #Manhood Hour!; Decent People Don't Have Rights!; Michelle Obama "Feels" For You! 🤮Jesse Lee PetersonVerified
3 days agoThey push fear by sickness so you can believe their LIES #EXPERIMENTALDRUGS#VAXXINESHebrew Israelite Truth
12 days ago🚨⚠ Elon Musks says "There needs to be a reset and IT will happen" M.O.T.B. SYS⚠ 🚨Hebrew Israelite Truth
11 days ago🚨⚠ The thief cometh not but to STEAL: TRUMP THE RULER OF THE WORLD⚠ 🚨Hebrew Israelite Truth
9 days agoIf AMERIKKKA keep going on the way its going ECONOMICALLY all HELL will BREAK LOOSE #SHTFHebrew Israelite Truth
7 days agoProphecy Watch: A WARNING the DAY of the LORD is NIGH @ HAND #REPENT#JUDGEMENTHebrew Israelite Truth
6 days agoBe not DISMAYED @ the signs of HEAVEN MARCH 13th, #passover#BLOODMOONHebrew Israelite Truth
5 days agoProphecy Watch: pestilence, Pestilence, PESTILENCE: #OUTBREAKS #ENDTIMES#LASTDAYSHebrew Israelite Truth
5 days agoProphecy Watch: Heavy seismic activity (EARTHQUAKES/VOLCANOES) #ENDTIMES#LASTDAYS#signsoftheendHebrew Israelite Truth
4 days ago!!!!!!! Raise them PRICES: PROPHECY WATCH: INFLATION @ all time HIGH !!!!!!!Hebrew Israelite Truth
3 years ago06/02/21 Wed: Reparations Forever!; Anti-racism Journalism?; Manhood Hour!JesseLeePetersonVerified