1 year agoChrist’s Victory over Evil; and, a Word of Warning to the Wicked | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstranceJ. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
3 months agoDC Universe Online - Tutorial - Escape from Brainiac's Ship - Levels 1-3 - December 2024EliteOldSchoolGamer
2 years agoLose Weight-Tone Abs With Electronic Muscle Stimulator? Can Body Fat Melt Away?Diet and Fitness Coach
6 months agoThe Worldly Business of Churchianity: Megachurches, Marketing, Networking, Nepotism, and Greediness | Joshua Chavez (Mirror)J. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
6 months agoThe Complete Armour of God | Ephesians 6.10–20 | Spiritual Warfare | Alexander Scourby (KJV)J. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
6 months agoThe Gamification of Abuse: Societal Entertainment in Doing Evil | Targeting Programme | Ponerology | Jeremy Cline (Mirrors)J. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
6 months agoThe Complete Armour of God | Ephesians 6.10–20 | Spiritual Warfare | Johnny Cash (NKJV)J. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
6 months agoThe Psychology, Methodology, and Tactics of the State-sanctioned, Stalking-and-Harassment, Targeting Programme (Mirrors)J. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
6 months agoFraudulent Terrorist Watchlist: Official Procedures for LE in Interacting with KSTs in the US | Targeting Programme | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstranceJ. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
3 months agoDC Universe Online - Main Quest - Defeat Wonder Girl - Levels 13-14 - December 2024EliteOldSchoolGamer
3 months agoDC Universe Online - Race Course - Metropolis - Chinatown - December 2024EliteOldSchoolGamer
3 months agoDC Universe Online - Race Course - Metropolis - Little Bohemia - December 2024EliteOldSchoolGamer
2 months agoA Friendly Chat with a Treasonous, Cowardly, Democidal US Governmental Contractor | Targeting Programme | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstranceJ. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
3 months agoDC Universe Online - Booster Gold Tour - Metropolis - Chinatown - December 2024EliteOldSchoolGamer
9 months agoHive Mind: Small-town, Communitarian Meddlers and Law Enforcement Swarm, Harass, and Attempt to Intimidate Peaceful Person in United States | Targeting Programme (Mirror)J. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance
6 months agoNew World War: State-sanctioned Stratagems of Domestic Terrorism | Targeting Programme | Mark M. Rich (Mirrors)J. D. Gallé | neoremonstrance