Arizona Representative Liz Harris: Today's Updates, BOS, POSes, Screwed By Our Gov't AGAIN! Liars, Grifters & Frauds...Oh My! + We The People Holding Our LegislaTURDS Accountable Is WORKING - Motivation To Get On The Battlefield With GOD! JO
#103 ARIZONA CORRUPTION EXPOSED: AZ Politicians Do NOTHING To Stop Child Sex Slave Trafficking! Corrupt & Fraudulent Elections, Wide Open Borders, Demonic CPS - THEY ARE AS GUILTY AS THE ABUSERS - THIS IS ON THEIR HANDS!
ABC News Laying Off Staff and Completely Cutting Polling Outfit 538/Mentally Ill Mother and Daughter Get Sex Change to Become ‘Father and Son’/DOGE Is Not Elected—Neither Are the IRS, DOJ, or FBI, Yet They Hold Authority