1. CBDCs | How Will Central Bank Digital Currencies Work? The CEO of Quant.Network Gilbert Verdian, Lead World Economic Forum Advisor Yuval Noah Harari & The General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements Agustín Carstens Explain

    CBDCs | How Will Central Bank Digital Currencies Work? The CEO of Quant.Network Gilbert Verdian, Lead World Economic Forum Advisor Yuval Noah Harari & The General Manager of the Bank of International Settlements Agustín Carstens Explain

  2. Great Reset | "Countries Will Begin Negotiations On a Zero Draft of a New Pandemic Accord, Grounded In International Law." - Tedros (Director general of the World Health Organization) + "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - H

    Great Reset | "Countries Will Begin Negotiations On a Zero Draft of a New Pandemic Accord, Grounded In International Law." - Tedros (Director general of the World Health Organization) + "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - H

  3. Elon Musk & Grimes | Why Did Grimes Wear a Vantablack Crown to the 2018 MET Gala While Elon Musk Chose to Wear a Jack Reading ‘NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM’ (MEANING ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’)? Vantablack, Marburg, Hydrogel, COVID-19 Vaccines, etc.

    Elon Musk & Grimes | Why Did Grimes Wear a Vantablack Crown to the 2018 MET Gala While Elon Musk Chose to Wear a Jack Reading ‘NOVUS ORDO SECLORUM’ (MEANING ‘NEW WORLD ORDER’)? Vantablack, Marburg, Hydrogel, COVID-19 Vaccines, etc.

  4. CBDC | "We Could Imagine We Will Implant Them In Our Brains Or In Our Skin. There Will Be a Direct Communication Between Our Brain And the Digital World." - Klaus Schwab | "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval N

    CBDC | "We Could Imagine We Will Implant Them In Our Brains Or In Our Skin. There Will Be a Direct Communication Between Our Brain And the Digital World." - Klaus Schwab | "Ideally COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under the Skin." - Yuval N

  5. CBDC | International Monetary Fund Backs Use of Central Bank-Backed Digital Currencies (June 20th 2023)!!! 114 Central Banks Are Exploring CBDCs + Is the World-Wide Implementation of Programmable Central Bank Digital Around the Corner?

    CBDC | International Monetary Fund Backs Use of Central Bank-Backed Digital Currencies (June 20th 2023)!!! 114 Central Banks Are Exploring CBDCs + Is the World-Wide Implementation of Programmable Central Bank Digital Around the Corner?

  6. Ian Smith New Jersey Altas Gym Owner Running for Congress

    Ian Smith New Jersey Altas Gym Owner Running for Congress

  7. The Great Reset | Who Is Klaus Schwab? Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? What Is the World Economic Forum? “Interesting How They All Marched In Perfect Locked Step While Chanting the Same Slogans.” - Mikki Willis (Producer, Director & Writer)

    The Great Reset | Who Is Klaus Schwab? Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? What Is the World Economic Forum? “Interesting How They All Marched In Perfect Locked Step While Chanting the Same Slogans.” - Mikki Willis (Producer, Director & Writer)
