General Flynn | Operation Warp Speed 101 + 9 URGENT Updates Every American Needs Know Including: What Is the United Nations Agenda? Why Is Fauci Back? Who Will Comply W/ New Lockdowns? What Started the Maui Fires?
General Flynn | Why Did Klaus Schwab Step Down from the World Economic Forum? Is Klaus Schwab Alive? Biden: “I say to every young man thinking of getting married, marry into a family with five or more daughters." - Joe Biden
Jim Caviezel | Jim Caviezel's Speaking Handler & the Founder of, James J. Conditt III + The Movie Maker & Filmmaker Behind General Flynn's Documentary ( + Defamation 101
False Prophet | Who Is the Satanic False Prophet of Revelation Chapter 13? As In the Days of Noah | Who Is Yuval Noah Harari? "A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) Will Be the Final Fruit of Man Eating from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good & Evil"
BRICS | China Expects Major Economic Growth After Ditching US Dollar + Why Is China Making Man-Made Island Bases? + What Is China’s Skynet Mass Surveillance Project Created In 2005
Jesus | When Will Jesus Return? “Let No Man Deceive You By Any Means: For THAT DAY Shall Not Come, Except There Come a Falling Away First, And That Man of Sin Be Revealed, the Son Perdition.” - 2nd Thessalonians 2:3