A Rothschild Speaks Out: Erin Rothschild Interviewed by Kerry Cassidy 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT | WE in 5D: FLASHBACK to What Quality Informational Interviewing and Investigative Reporting Looks Like When Camelot was Tip of the Spear! #VintageCamelot
Vintage Camelot: Jordan Maxwell's FIRST EVER Interview with Kerry Cassidy + David Wilcock Visits | "The Takeover of Planet Earth" (2009) — PROJECT CAMELOT 🐆
Roundtable with Gene Decode and Kerry Cassidy, Hosted by Patriot Underground. — A Break From the Gaslighting “Plan” and an Update on the ET Agenda at This Time in Ukraine and Other Nations/Continents + a Good Dose of History! (12/12/22)
Timeline Confirmed: Alex Jones Reveals Why it’s the Best of Times on His End! (Feat. Abraham Hicks & Dolores Cannon) | NOTE: Many of You Are the Guy in the Red Hat Who’s got All the Potential in the World—But…….
Sacha Stone’s “Digital Workshop” Live on Patriot Streetfighter | All “Christians” are Catholic—Victims of The Council of Nicaea, and Which Exercise Annunaki/Reptilian Will, Whether or Not Realized; While Very Realized to The Vatican.
Ashayana Deane—The 3 “Christs”, The Cruci-FICTION, The Creation of The Bible, and More! | (Jeshua 12, Yeshua 9, and Jesus) ✷ Arguably Some of the Most Sophisticated Esoteric and Historical Knowledge to Date