2 years agoIdaho 4 College Murders Clues #idaho4 Moscow Idaho K9 Perpetrator Murder Suspects ?? Perpetrators ??UfoHawk
2 years agoIdaho 4 College Murders Clues #idaho4 Moscow Idaho K9 Perpetrator Murder Suspects ?? Perpetrators ??UfoHawk
2 years agoWOW another one of those ordinary clouds! 🤯👀 Keep looking up ☝️ Cloud UFO Ship 🛸 Disclosure 🛸whitegoldeagle
9 months agocup of coffee 4260---Idiots Amongst Us: 100lb + Mattress + 50mph = Stupid (*Salty Language)Warlanda's Cup of Coffee with Scream
2 years agoEPIC!! jaw dropping footage from Colorado Signs Everywhere 🤯👀 Mother Earth is Shifting 🌎whitegoldeagle
2 years agoUFO Sighting 🛸 Two HUGE UFOs filmed over Montreal, Canada Yesterday 🛸 Disclosurewhitegoldeagle
2 years agoStrange BLACK CIRCLE phenomenon appears in the skies over California, United Stateswhitegoldeagle
1 year agoPortals, Stargates, and Time Travel are No Longer Science FictionSpaceForceGalacticFederation