Demonic Possession, Demons Can Be Consciously Invited In + The Other Kind of Possession (Involuntary) Begins with Oppression and Becomes a Fight for Your Soul + Sigils, Tokens, Hexes, Spells and Household Products
Psychotherapists that are In The System/Luciferian Brotherhood + The Tavistock Institute, Hampstead, Offshoots like The Stanford Research Institute, Prestigious, Respected by the General Public, Perceived as an Authority
Some Therapists are Reprogramming People + Satanists Can Still Do Good Research and Have Good Information + Communities Need to Help Each Other Rather than Rely on the Government
Witch Battles & Training Partner's Protector Battle Against Chief of Police, Took Place at Neuschwanstein (Real Mothers of Darkness Castle), GHPs and SOLs Present + Jessie's Training Partner Won at the Age of 7, Became Head of Protector Dept