1. Project Hybrid Integrate, ET Disclosure, Dozens of Alien Abductions, Nadine Lalich

    Project Hybrid Integrate, ET Disclosure, Dozens of Alien Abductions, Nadine Lalich

  2. How to Become a 5-D Being, Decoding Dimensions with Judith Corvin-Blackburn

    How to Become a 5-D Being, Decoding Dimensions with Judith Corvin-Blackburn

  3. The Speed of Light is Slowing Down, Physicist, Lei Marquez, This Changes Everything

    The Speed of Light is Slowing Down, Physicist, Lei Marquez, This Changes Everything

  4. Its Your Choice, Freedom or Fascism; How to Profit From the Coming Market Calamity, Bob Kudla

    Its Your Choice, Freedom or Fascism; How to Profit From the Coming Market Calamity, Bob Kudla

  5. Planetary Scientist, Space is Like an Ocean with Huge Creatures Spanning Miles Across, Disclosure

    Planetary Scientist, Space is Like an Ocean with Huge Creatures Spanning Miles Across, Disclosure

  6. November Elections; Setting the Stage for Political Divide & Rise of a Savior, New World, Bob Kudla

    November Elections; Setting the Stage for Political Divide & Rise of a Savior, New World, Bob Kudla

  7. New Intel, Biggest Cyber Attack in US History & Power Grid Blackout Potential, Greg Allison

    New Intel, Biggest Cyber Attack in US History & Power Grid Blackout Potential, Greg Allison

  8. Physical Evidence of Alien Implants & Abduction, Retired Assistant Attorney General & Air Force Med

    Physical Evidence of Alien Implants & Abduction, Retired Assistant Attorney General & Air Force Med

  9. America, Where art thou? 27,000 Deployed National Guard Troops in 28 States, Latest

    America, Where art thou? 27,000 Deployed National Guard Troops in 28 States, Latest

  10. October Surprise & How to Prepare, Greg Allison, NASA Contractor Rocket Scientist & Organic Farmer

    October Surprise & How to Prepare, Greg Allison, NASA Contractor Rocket Scientist & Organic Farmer

  11. Two Souls in One Body & The Exorcism, Listen to This, Valerie Lofaso

    Two Souls in One Body & The Exorcism, Listen to This, Valerie Lofaso

  12. New Discovery on Surface of the Moon, Water's All Over, Rocket Scientist, Greg Allison

    New Discovery on Surface of the Moon, Water's All Over, Rocket Scientist, Greg Allison

  13. Remote Viewing Cthulhu Under Oceans of Enceladus & Interdimensional Leylines

    Remote Viewing Cthulhu Under Oceans of Enceladus & Interdimensional Leylines

  14. China Planning Surprise EMP Attack? The Biggest Fear; Grid Expert, NASA Contractor, Greg Allison

    China Planning Surprise EMP Attack? The Biggest Fear; Grid Expert, NASA Contractor, Greg Allison

  15. Conflict in Middle East Could Spark Entire Globe, Armenia & Azerbaijan, Latest

    Conflict in Middle East Could Spark Entire Globe, Armenia & Azerbaijan, Latest
