One World Currency | Kim Clement's Daughter & Kim Clement's Widow Jane Clement Discuss the LOOMING ONE WORLD CURRENCY Being Pushed By BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa)
Elon Musk | Musk's Neural Link Event + Why Are Schwab, Harari, Kurzweil, Grimes, Brin & The World Economic Forum Discussing Connecting Brains to Computers? "You Can Record Memories.You're Really Getting In Black Mirror Stuff Here."
Dr. Simone Gold | The Daughter of a Holocaust Survivor Shares Her Perspective On the Israel / Hamas Conflict | + Israel Is Surrounded + "What Happens to the Jews Will Happen to Everybody." - Gold + Tucker Carlson & Colonel Douglas Macgregor
Elon Musk | Why Did Elon Musk Say, "We Presume It Would Consensual Because You Definitely Just Don't Want People Sending Stuff Into Your Brain Without Your Consent?"
COVID-19 Shots | "These Vaccines Cannot Work, They Will Fail & Are Failing." - Paul Alexander, PhD | "You Can Basically Do Anything With Synthetic mRNA.You Could Turn Someone Into a FREAKIN' BUTTERFLY If You Want to." - Elon M