2 years agoElden Ring - Invader Regrets Going Straight For Host - Co-Operator (Samurai) PC #shortsDecapTheGod
2 years agoElden Ring - Invader Changes His Mind and Runs - Co-Operator (Samurai) PC #shortsDecapTheGod
2 years agoElden Ring - The Nicest Invader Ever, He Had Flowers For Us - Co-operator (Samurai) PCDecapTheGod
2 years agoElden Ring - Invader Tried to use Borealis the Freezing Fog, Backfires - Co-operator (Astrologer) PCDecapTheGod
2 years agoElden Ring - Clayman's Magic Harpoon, Slicer And Bloodhound's Step - Co-operator (Astrologer) PCDecapTheGod