Biden Clown Lying Show: "I've come here today to secure our border... I do what I can on my own... we have to change our laws... American people are going to, we, are wearing thin right now... what was that?"
Biden has "black friends," but can't name one, brags about his Sec Of Defense but can't recall his name - "a black man," makes a Freudian slip on his mom story telling him not to go to the black community or get in trouble..
Kamala describes how she could WRECK YOUR LIFE "with the swipe of my pen." And she brags about it. And glorifies what she can do to you. She is a power hungry tyrant.
You can't make this shit up. This CBS fake news dude criticizes Trump's "unrealistic idea" of "no tax on tips," then praises Kamala's stolen "great idea" of "no tax on tips."
You can't make this shit up. Biden & these people are deciding World War 3 or not - if British Storm Shadow missiles can be used by Ukraine, a decision that Putin said, would be seen as Russia being at war with NATO.
39 days until the end of Democrats' insanity in Washington DC: "Women's Health Research creates treatments specifically for women & men. This changes the world of women's health forever. We can change things fundamentally."
You can't make this shit up: Trump hater Joy Behar says the View is the truth teller because they share "statistics" and Trump was elected because people "have been misinformed, misled by other networks."
You can't make this shit up. Creepy Joe has the nerve to joke about updating the country on a terrorist attack: "Kickoff is going to take off very shortly. If I don't get this damn thing done, we're going to be in real trouble."
You can't make this shit up: Democrats in Massachusetts ask their residents to host groups of single adult men who illegally crossed the border into their houses to be part of their families!
Biden scolds a reporter: "I know you're a typical press guy. You're grabbing me in front of this all of a sudden, and I trust you as far as I throw your phone. I can have a good arm, man. I can throw it a long way..."