WATCH: Miss Thang in the Middle with an in-Real-Time Titty-Attack! Then Watch Her Realize She's on a TV Show and Has to Relax a Little. | Daily Show Focus Group of Black Voters—"I Didn't See That Coming!"
President Trump Brilliantly —DESTROYS— Leftist "Journalists" at the "National Association of Black Journalists" Convention in Chicago (7/31/24) | WE in 5D: With the Exception of the Answers to J.D. Vance Questions.
Like a Revival of Oprah's 90's "Hay Day" or Something.. "Kamala on the Oprah Show" (9/19/24): Soulless Colored Broads (Tho One Not Black) Trying to Trump Trump! And They Just May. BUT They Won’t Trump Humanity 🔥🔱
President Trump at the National Association of Black Journalists Convention in Chicago (7/31/24) | WE in 5D: Trump Brilliantly —DESTROYS— Leftist "Journalists", with the Exception of the Answers to J.D. Vance Questions. #KeepinItReal
"Sound of Freedom" [and Qtard Victim-Mentality] EXPOSED..?... — If So, This Becomes Evidence for What is Already True: Both Black and White Hats WORK to Manipulate Reality as THEY See Fit. If That Works for You, You're as Good as an NPC!