3 months agoDad improves despite hospital wanting to give him RemdesivirNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
2 months agoPetition to call Federal election and Foipop on former mayor of MODL LunenburgNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
10 months agoFOIP obtained proves staff were vax injured, deaths occurred and masks didn't workNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
1 year agoPfizer documents reveal vaccines aren't safe Amy KellyNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
1 year agoBreaking News V!accines not safe and effective reveals Freedom of information actNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
10 months agoProof is in the pudding the government is out to destroy us with the carbon tax, digital ID's etcNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
1 year agoHow does a Big Pharma, Davos crowd, Doctor turn the negative effects of vaccines and drugs around?michaelj5326Verified
7 months agoKevin Hoyt and I discuss J6 political prisoners and the upcoming J6 trial of grandma Cindy Young.michaelj5326Verified
1 year agoAfter drinking urine within 2 months all my covid side effects were goneNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
6 months agoImmigrants , high cost of living and Freedom Train international's Jim Ferguson coming to CanadaNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified
8 months agoEnvironmental Nightmare: Train Disaster Chemicals Found from Wisconsin to South Carolina!Conspiracy Chronicle
1 year agoThese people are utterly insane how could you inject your kids with these vaccinesNova Scotia Free Speech Bulletin PodcastVerified