2 years agoNew Zealand Govt Takes Baby From Parents After Refusing Vaccinated Blood For Surgery 4th Dec, 2022TheConservativeTruth
1 year ago2.5-month-old baby boy dies unexpectedly; mother was vaccinated while pregnantFlatEarther46
6 months agoNicole Shanahan: The Struggle She Faced After Childhood Vaccine Made Her Healthy Baby Girl AutisticSunfellow On COVID-19
2 years agoDoctors Around The World "Urgent Warning To Vaccinated & Unvaccinated Citizens Of The World"AndreCorbeil
1 year agoFDA & Pfizer Are Baby KILLERS: Pfizer KNEW Shots Caused FETAL DEATHS & SPONTANEOUS ABORTIONSBiological Medicine
2 years agoDr. Sherri Tenpenny: Every Fully Vaccinated Person will have Vaccine Induced AIDS by end of 2022MyCatholicRedPill
6 months agoRon DeSantis – “If you are Fully Vaccinated the Chance of you Dying from Covid is Effectively ZERO”Waking the World up
2 years agoTriple vaccinated Mark Dolan exposes “vaccine king” bill gates, & W.H.O world (hell) organisationTruth Network
2 years agoNaomi Wolf: There Is Something Wrong With The Breast Milk Of Vaccinated Mothers!Sunfellow On COVID-19
2 months agoKarnataka: 2.5 month old baby died following multiple vaccinationsIndia's Forgotten Babies
6 months agoKamala/ABC Lied: They Do Kill Babies in USA! This is How! Unburdened by what has been! President Trump Was Correct.teddolbi
2 years agoThe War Against Babies and Motherhood: Vaccinated Women and the Sudden Surge in Baby DeathsRVM NewsVerified
2 years agoN.Z. Gov't Threatens To Take Baby From Parents Rather Than Allow Him To Receive Un-Vaccinated BloodFreedomSteven
1 year agoNaira, a 4 month old baby died following forced vaccination despite refusal of parentsIndia's Forgotten Babies
1 year agoDUMBS Lab Experiments – GMO & the JABBED Babies - Draconian Children & VRIL WormsMyCatholicRedPill
2 months agoNaomi Wolf (The Pfizer Papers): "They killed the babies and they knew it."USAFrontlineDoctors
1 year agoWhy are these babies being born without this important Microbe??MamaBearsProject - It's okay to wait!
1 year agoTop New York cancer doctor, VAXXED💉👀, 40 yo Dr. Krystal Cascetta shot her 4 month old baby then turned the gun on herself in a shocking murder-suicideLibertarian99