Jonathan Cahn | The Josiah Manifesto | Who Is Ishtar? What Is the Abortion Capital of America? Are Plagues Headed for New York? Has God Raised Up President Trump? The Trump Prophecies? What Does Abortion Have to Do BAAL? How Does Jehu Relate to Trump?
BRICS | General Flynn & Andy Schectman | BRICS | The Collapse of the Dollar...Little By Little Since 1971...Then All At Once...Is De-Dollarization Happening NOW?! Are CBDCs Around the Corner? What Are Bail-Ins?
Dollar Collapse | "We Are A Country That Is 130% Debt to GDP, No One Has Ever Come Back from That without Default or Hyper-Inflation. We Are Country That Has 5 Trillion In Assets of Which 40% Is STUDENT DEBT." - Andy Schectman (Jan 5th 2024)
Liz Crokin | JPMorgan Alerted US Gov to $1B of Jeffrey Epstein Transactions Linked to ‘Human Trafficking’ + PizzaGate? Why Were Clintons, Gates, MIT & Epstein Connected? Obama Orders $65K of Pizza / Hot Dogs? 32 Examples of Disney Sickness
SATAN | The Ultimate Satanic Agenda Exposing Documentary: Satan Presented to By Pfizer, Liquid Death, Public Schools, Netflix, Disney, Kentucky Friend Chicken, Transformers, Joe Biden, The Grammys, Hollywood, the Music Industry, Travis Scott, Etc.
The Bible Was Written to Prepare Us, Not to Scare Us | Revelation 13:13, Revelation 16:13-16, Revelation 13:16-18 | Does the Bible Prophesy Fire Coming Down from Heaven, the Euphrates Drying Up, the False Prophet & The Mark of the Beast?
666 | Why Is the CERN Logo, the World Economic Forum Logo & the Google 666? Why Does Corona = 666? Why Is the Euphrates Drying Up? What Is HR 666 & 6666? Microsoft Owns Patent WO-2020-06060 Exist?
COVID Shots | "One of the Things That I'm Sad About, But It Was Also Kind of Hilarious Is How Many People Were Promoters of the Vaccine, Then Died Suddenly...You're Modifying Your Genes You F$%king Idiot." - Joe Rogan W/ Dr. Debra Soh