8 days agoTHE Trumpet Orders FBI to Investigate KILL-Bill Gate$ for 'Blitzing America With Toxic Chemtrails'FACTS vs. LIES!
9 months agoSmart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal Greg ReeseInfowars War Room With Owen Shroyer
9 months ago🚨Right This Moment!🚨Incredible Toxic Geoengineering Chemtrail Operation is ongoing!Real Fishing Life
2 years ago"Playing God": HAARP Weather Control - A Terrifying Look at The Control of Weather WarfareTheWarAgainstYou
9 months ago🤖🚨 Smart Dust Biosensors and Chemtrail Dispersal is a Means of Monitoring and Controlling the Entire Human PopulationReal Truth Real NewsVerified
1 year agoEvery Opposition is Controlled Opposition! They All Signed Agenda 2030!Free Your Mind Videos
11 months agoGeoengineering Chemtrail Operations in Mexico today!🆘 2 Very large Man-Made Vortex with H.A.A.R.P.Real Fishing Life
11 months ago🚢Massive Weather Controlling Chemtrail Bunker Ship activity on Easter day and more!Real Fishing Life
1 year ago2007 Rosalind Peterson at UN Climate Change Conference 38 min - Geoengineering / Chemtrails - backupSRM, Geoengineeing, Chemtrails, CO2, DEW
3 months agoBlack Carbon And Or Graphene Oxide Mix From Air France - AI Controls These Aerosol DispersionsBiological Medicine
11 months ago🚨Very Heavy Chemtrail Operations Tonight in China, Russia, Tennessee, Kentucky, Georgia, TexasReal Fishing Life
1 year agoHibbeler Productions: Fucking 'Look Up'! A Chemtrail Documentary! [Reloaded) [4 mar. 2020]KimOsboel
9 months agoDoes Anybody Look Up at the clouds Anymore? Very Large Toxic Chemtrail ongoing over Italy, SpainReal Fishing Life
5 months agoWW3 Update: United States Meteorologist explaining Weather Control and the effects of Chemtrails and much more! 10mUnitedUSA
2 years agoPrince - the Chemtrails statement he made that got him murderedThe Ascension Diet Eating To Ascend - a resource for truthseekers
9 months agoThis Morning's Man-Made Electrical Storms, Toxic Chemtrail Weather Report!, from The Real Fisherman!Biological Medicine
1 year agoWhat kind of Chemtrails are They Spraying when it's so Tight to the Cities?Real Fishing Life