ReAwaken America Tour Updates | 24 Tickets Remain for ReAwaken America Tour Miami (May 12th & 13th)!!! Tour Features: Gen Flynn, Julie Green, Dr. Immanuel, E Trump, Stone, Nunes, Patel, Navarro, Lara Trump, Breuer, Feucht, Lindell, Team America, etc
Mark of the Beast | Using Chips In the Hand to Pay for Things? What Is Walletmor? "What Is CBDC Going to Look Like? It Will Be Implanted UNDER YOUR SKIN." - Professor Richard Werner
CBDC | What Does CBDC Implementation Look Like? In China, Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Linked to Your Digital ID. Caught Jaywalking? Facial Recognition System Will Display Your Face On the Public Board of Shame & Your Digital Wallet Will Be Fin