Quantum Financial System, Positive and Negative + Everything in Creation is The Lord's, Storehouses, Abundance, The Enemy Has Stolen it, Priests are Meant to Distribute it + Scriptures, Past, Present & Future, Israel Came Out of Bondage, Egypt
'Frankenstein Future': Israel's Bio-Convergence Program and the Merging of Biology and Engineering. "The headlines leave no room for misinterpretation," - CHECK THE DESCRIPTION FOR RECEIPTS!
On 26 August 2020, United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres, together with Co-Chairs Achim Steiner and Maria Ramos, launched the report of the Task Force, People’s Money: Harnessing Digitalization to Finance a Sustainable Future.
12 year old girl expose the dystopian reality of 15-minute cities! To Klaus Schwab: “How dare you steal my childhood and my future, and the future of all children, by enslaving us in your crazy digital surveillance prison.”